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Film Industry Contracts

The one hundred and sixteen (116) sample film industry agreements set out below are made available here primarily for educational purposes (i.e., anyone who reads and/or studies these documents will have a better understanding of how the film industry actually works. Preparation or use of such agreements without consulting with an experienced entertainment, or in some cases, a securities attorney with experience in the film industry, involves a high level of risk. The sample agreements are organized into six broad categories: (1) acquisition/development, (2) packaging, (3) lender financing, (4) investor financing, (5) production documentation and (6) distribution/licensing. This collection of attorney-prepared film industry agreements may be the most comprehensive collection of film industry agreements  made available to independent producers and attorneys to date. However, these contracts are merely  “SAMPLE CONTRACTS”, (i.e., they are not “standard contracts”, “fill-in-the-blank contracts”, “state-of the art contracts”, “custom contracts”  or “form contracts” with commentary and alternative language. They have been prepared for use by parties and in situations that are likely to differ from your circumstances.  Any use beyond learning about how such transactions commonly work in the film industry should be in conjunction with the advice of an attorney experienced in the specific transaction for which the document is intended.

For immediate download after payment, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the “download” button.

If you any problems with the purchasing and downloading process, please don’t hesitate to email us at jwc6774@gmail.com.

If you wish to purchase the entire set of contracts, click on the following link.

Contract Package (Complete)

Acquisition and Development Agreements (19)

Certificate of Authorship

Copyright Assignment (short form)

Legal Services Agreement

Life Rights Consent and Release

Literary Acquisition Agreement

Literary Assignment

Literary Property Acquisition Letter of Intent

Non-Disclosure Agreement

Option/Acquisition Agreement

Quit Claim Agreement

Screenwriter Services Agreement (1)

Screenwriter Services Agreement (2)

Screenwriter Reversion Agreement

Script Development Agreement

Script Option and Development Agreement

Shopping Agreement

Submission Release

Turnaround Agreement

Waiver of Limited Use of Characters

Packaging Agreements (14)

Actor Attachment Letter

Actor Inducement Letter

Actor Letter of Intent

Actor Loanout Agreement

Arbitration Agreement

Artist Inducement Letter

Assignment of Script Rights

Casting Director Agreement

Director Agreement

Net Profits Definition

Producer Agreement (1)

Producer Agreement (2)

Producer Attachment Agreement

Writer/Director Agreement

Lender Financing Agreements (14)

Completion Bond Producer Agreement

Completion Bond Takeover Agreement

Cash Flow Schedule

Delivery Schedule

Distributor Acceptance

Inter-Party Agreement

Lab Pledgeholder Agreement

Lender Guaranty

Loan Security Agreement

Mortgage of Copyright and Security Agreement

Notice of Assignment of Irrevocable Authority

Production Account Takeover Letter

Promissory Note

Sales Representative Acceptance

Investor Financing Agreements (25)

Articles of Incorporation

Box Office Comparables Template

Certificate of Bylaws Adoption

Certificate of Authorship

Conflict of Interest Letter

Corporate Bylaws

Distributor Revenue Stream Chart

Escrow Agreement

Executive Producer Agreement

Financial Projections Template

General Partnership Agreement

Industry Articles PPM Exhibit Cover

Investor Financing Agreement

Investor Intent Letter

Joint Venture Agreement

Limited Partnership Agreement for PPM

Limited Partnership Attorney Engagement Letter for PPM

Limited Partnership PPM Body

Limited Partnership PPM Cover Page and Table of Contents

Member-Managed LLC Operating Agreement

PPM Limited Partnership Subscription Documents

PPM Limited Partnership Transmittal Letter

PPM Letter of Interest/Intent Exhibit Cover Page

Tax Credit Purchase Agreement

Waiver of Notice and Consent to First Shareholders’ Meeting

Production Documentation (24)

Composer Employment Agreement

Consultant Agreement

Crew/Cast Agreement (ultra-low budget)

Crew Employment Agreement

Extras Release

Film Clip License

Group Release

Location Agreement

Makeup and Special Effects Agreement

Master Recording License

Minor Release

Model Release

Music Assignment

Music Co-Administration Agreement

Notice of Tentative Writing Credits

Nudity Rider

Personal Release

Property Release

Recording Artist Agreement

Recording Producers Agreement

Stills and Excerpts License Agreement

Stunt Performers Agreement

Synchronization/Performing License Agreement

Trademark Clearance Letter

Distribution/Licensing Agreements (15)

Acquisition Distribution Agreement

Certificate of Origin

Definition of Distribution Expenses

Delivery Schedule

Exhibition License Agreement

Foreign Distribution Agreement

Gross Receipts Definition

Laboratory Access Letter

Movie Franchise Agreement

Negative Pickup Distribution Agreement

Production-Financing Distribution Agreement

Rent-a-Distributor Distribution Agreement

Sub-Distributor Agreement

Video Licensing Agreement

Video Royalty Agreement